You Are Cordially Invited To
A Web 2.0 un-conference in Rome, Italy
Just an occasion to visit caput mundi under the cloak to talk about web 2.0, Information Architecture, social networking, business models, net economy, buzzing, geeks, blogging, conversational media, scenarios, what in Italy will be about innovation and what in Europe and every thing you can find in the Sessions Page
we still have not found a place where to host the RomeCamp but we have fixed the Date
Saturday January 20th, 2007 . Start the new year sharing your ideas
What can we celebrate? The first pulsar was discovered, in the Crab Nebula. It was 1969, Jan 20th. Come and tell what are you looking for.
Saturday January 20th, 2007
Insert any details, directions, maps, etc. in the
Post any idea, comment, suggestion in the
enter your name in the
if you run a pub. restaurant, square, loft, or any kind of places or service able to host or support the RomeCamp or want simply sponsor the event, please read the Needs Page, mail to mailing list with your proposals and probably You will be ranked in our
If you come from anywhere in the world here you can find
this is a totally not for profit initiative. suggestions for accomodation, housing or any other kind of service are "word of mouth" advices.
What can you do in the while
Claim this events on blogs, email, wiki, friends, newspapers, radio, tv everything can attract people and ideas
Join the conversation at RomeCamp Google Group
Contributors, Sponsor, Volunteers
Campers - I partecipanti
Barcamp Rules
No spectators, only participants
Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one, or otherwise volunteer / contribute in some way to support the event. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. The people present at the event will select the demos or presentations they want to see.
Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.
Barcamp su Wikipedia
How To use wiki
Comments (1)
Anonymous said
at 10:49 pm on Oct 12, 2006
sono arrivati i primi segnali di vita sul pianeta romecamp. Alberto mi dice la sua sulla sponsorhip dell'evento, e dopo aver inserito il nome di un paio di aziende che mi stanno dando una mano con l'organizzazione del romecamp, faccio marcia indietro. Resteranno solo i nomi degli amici che interverranno.
stanno scegliendo i temi.
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